Kitty Coy

About Tranquility Wellness Center

TWC is a boutique holistic and alternative wellness clinic located in NW Denver. We have a variety of experienced practitioners who hold their practices at Tranquility Wellness Center.



Tranquility Wellness Center Mission

At Tranquility Wellness Center, nestled in the heart of NW Denver, our mission is to be a haven of holistic healing and well-being. We pride ourselves as a boutique alternative wellness center that offers a sanctuary for both practitioners and seekers of alternative wellness modalities.

Tranquility Wellness Center Origin Story

Tranquility Wellness Center started as a dream in 2018. I recently started as my coaching business and was working on creating my vision. During a vision brainstorming session, I had a spark of insight or download that I wanted to own an alternative wellness clinic. Immediately all of the details flooded into my brain and it lit me up with joy to think about it. Although this dream brought me joy, it was also super scary to me. Opening a brick and mortar? Taking on the responsibility for managing a place that had numerous wellness practitioners? It seemed like a terrifying leap to make and so I sat on that dream for a few years, only mentioning it to a few people.

The more I worked on my overall life vision, the more clear it became that Tranquility Wellness Center was a part of it. I visualized and daydreamed about it for years but I was afraid to take action. Thankfully I had a coach in 2020 who challenged me to take action. It was the height of the world shutdown, which made it seem even more unappealing and impossible to make this dream happen. This coach reminded me that the universe supports our vision when we get into action. Unclear what I could do to get into action, I took to my meditation cushion and asked for guidance. It immediately came to me that I could manage someone else’s clinic to learn the necessary skills before opening my own.

Assuming a traditional path to my dream, I updated my resume and wrote out the top things I wanted in a clinic to work at (close proximity to my house, limited hours each week, etc). I started telling people I was looking for a clinic to manage and a few people passed along resources of other wellness practitioners with clinics that might be interested. Before I finished my resume or had the chance to contact any of those other practitioners (about a week after the idea), I found myself in a 1:1 meeting with someone I had met years earlier. We had a great meeting and at the end I asked her how I could support her. Her first response was “I’m moving to Arizona, so do you know anyone who wants to manage me clinic?” I almost fell out of my seat! I proceeded to ask her questions about her clinic and it met all my qualifications and more. She hired me on the spot!

I worked for this practitioner for two years and the entire time it was clear that she was not going to maintain this clinic in Denver for much longer. Knowing that the universe was handing me this opportunity on a silver platter, I spoke with her openly about taking over the clinic space. We worked out an exodus plan and got all the ducks in a row for me to take over the location. All the pieces were in place right before I went on a three week spiritual retreat to Peru. As I was hiking the Inca Trail, the name Tranquility Wellness Center came to me. When I got home I was grateful to learn that this business name was available in Colorado, and I quickly filled out all the necessary paperwork.

A few hours before I was to go sign the lease into my newly formed business entity’s name, I got a jarring email. The property management company was switching hands and everything I had previously set up needed to be done again with a new person at a new company. Unfortunately this person had just taken over 45 multi unit properties, so they didn’t have much time and had zero knowledge about any of the locations. And this was just the start of the three ring circus that was to come. It was an adventure to get the lease signed. It took two months of daily work, coordinating with four different people, and reviewing three different leases (one of which had to be written from a PDF because there was no editable copy available). Looking back it, its a hilarious story but it was stressful to live it because I was so attached to my dream. No matter what happened, I persevered and championed my vision. Now my dream of owning a wellness center has come to life and I am so grateful and excited to share this space with many amazing wellness practitioners. To learn more about them, check out our practitioners page.