Procrastination & Other Ways We Self Sabotage

Procrastination is a form of creative avoidance, which is one way we avoid working towards our goals. This desire to put off what we are working on is caused by our sabotaging identities, a subconscious part of us. These sabotaging identities are designed to keep you the same as you’ve always been because even if […]

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Mirror Work Works!

Mirror Work Works – How to Improve Your Self Love! Self love is an essential key to living a happy life. One of the most effective tools for increasing your self love is mirror work. Mirror work is a very simple concept – it involves looking at yourself in the mirror and saying/thinking nice things […]

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7 Tips To Reduce Your Stress <5 minutes!

A small amount of stress in our lives can be a good thing, like having a deadline inspires you to complete a project in a timely manner. The problem is that most of us have chronic and consistent stress that never goes away. When stress becomes chronic or severe it can quickly create problems for […]

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How to set SMARTER goals!

Setting goals literally rewires your brain to make essential parts work more effectively! Our brains have neuroplasticity, which means that goal-setting literally changes the structure of your brain so it’s optimized to achieve that goal. Our brain doesn’t know the difference between what we want and what we have. This means setting a goal is […]

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Choose Happiness Today!

Happiness is amazing for your health! It improves your immune system, decreases your blood pressure and reduces stress in your body! However sometimes it’s tricky to feel happy when you’re stressed or unhappy in life. Thankfully it’s still possible to choose happiness no matter what the situation! Here are some tips on how you can […]

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