
Meet Tina

I am someone who has long struggled with Anxiety & Depression. In 2013 I found a program for holistic wellness at Red Rocks Community College and made the decision to go back to school to learn how to heal and find more natural ways to soothe myself.

After gaining great knowledge and experience in Reflexology, Reiki, and Aromatherapy, I decided to take my skills and experience to help other people like myself heal. One of my passions in healing others is to unlock the emotional pieces in our bodies that are causing physical manifestations.

I have been in business for about six years now, operating under The Light Remains. One of the reasons I chose The Light Remains for my business name is because no matter how much darkness we have endured, there is always a light that remains within you.  

I offer 60-minute sessions of Reiki & Reflexology as well as 30-minute mini Energy Clearings to women who experience anxiety and depression and are looking to improve their overall health, mind-body and spirit. 

Reiki promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and facilitates healing by helping to balance the body’s energy centers, or chakras. Reiki is often used as a complementary therapy alongside traditional medical treatments, and many people find it to be a helpful addition to their overall wellness routine. 

This practice involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet which correspond to different organs and systems in the body. By stimulating these points, reflexologists aim to promote healing and balance throughout the body. 

Essential oils can have an impact on our emotions due to their aromatic properties and the way they interact with our brain and nervous system. 

Want to Contact Tina?

You can contact tina via Text at 720-308-2334 or email thelightremainsllc@gmail.com. Follow along with Tina over on Instagram or Facebook! You can also schedule a time to chat with Tina via her Calendly link.